I believe...

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. " - William Butler Yeats

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Information Overload

I've started my own blog. I now have a Twitter account and new email through Google. I'm using a Wiki. Meanwhile, organizing all the new technology with Google Reader. If my brain doesn't explode from all the information, I'm sure my husband's will from listening to it all. On second thought, he probably tuned me out a few days ago :-)


  1. Hahaha! Great stuff! My wife is a little more "techy" than I am and those who are truly "techy" would not think of us as being "techy" at all! However, I just like to jump both feet in and run with the new technology use! My family and I took our vacation through Michigan last year. The highlight was definitely a day at Mackinac Island...beautiful!

  2. I concur! I'm struggling with google reader-I want to start with a blank page and build, I can't seem to sift through all the "stuff" that is there...any tips?

  3. I'm laughing out loud! My poor husband is out doing fieldwork in the rain 7 hours from home and everytime he calls he gets to listen to me on overload! I am a Michigander too. I taught in Houghton Lake and then in Holt before we moved to Montana. I miss the great lakes!
