I believe...

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. " - William Butler Yeats

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Podcasting for a State Park Ranger (and a Teacher)

I wouldn’t have guessed that my husband and I would be working on the same type of project this week. I’m a high school chemistry teacher taking summer classes and he’s a park ranger (I took the picture of the lighthouse at the right at his state park). But it just so happens that one of his projects for work this week is putting a podcast together that describes important rules about the campground and the unique ORV sand dune area. His podcast will then be uploaded and able to be played over a specific AM radio frequency.

I’m looking forward to creating my own podcast using Audacity. I think I have a pretty good understanding of how the program works. I love that it is a FREE download. Importing a music file seems fairly simple. I watched this youtube video that described key features of creating a podcast using a PC and found it helpful.

Here is a rubric Kathy Schrock has published as a pdf file for discoveryschool. There was also rubrics for wikis and several other rubrics for grading your student-generated podcasts. Just click the discoveryschool link above for a complete list (the tech-related rubrics are toward the bottom of the list).

I’m anxious to get to the store and pick up my own headset/microphone and get started. Meanwhile, my husband is using my son’s computer and is editing the mp3 file he brought home (he recorded at the park) using Microsoft MovieMaker. Apparently, that is another option for editing.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post. Could you include the link to this post in the "comments" section of the podcast page on the course wiki? I think others could benefit from the resources that you shared.

